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This is a medium roast, so the flavor profile above is prominent. Sweet Maria’s describes this level of roast as, “there is a balance between moderate roast flavor and the origin flavor of the bean. Astringent, sour or “baked” light roast flavors are reduced, yet the flavors specific to a particular coffee are still expressed in the cup. City+ roasts have a medium brown color and may not yet have the smooth surface that with further development towards second crack.”


For the Brazil Dry Process Fazenda Santa Ines, Sweet Maria says they find, "Notes of caramel and unrefined sugars build out a sweet base flavor that echos in the finish, with accents of Sencha tea, woody cinnamon sticks, and a subtle dimension of fruit...[and] rustic fruit accents, it's body and bittersweetness that are most memorable. Classic Brazil nuttiness, cocoa roast flavors, molasses."("Brazil Dry Process Fazenda Santa Ines"


For the Rwandan, Sweet Maria's states, "Notes of caramel and unrefined sugars build out a sweet base flavor that echos in the finish, with accents of Sencha tea, woody cinnamon sticks, and a subtle dimension of fruit" ("Rwanda Rubavu Rwinyoni."

Campfire Classic 430 (City+)

Price Options
One-time purchase
Classic Roast
$11.70every month until canceled
Classic Roast
Twice a month
$11.05every 2 weeks until canceled
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